Tuesday 1 December 2015

TOP 6 Lithuanian Clothing Brands

Hello, Dears!

Let's talk a bit about style.
Considering about clothes' brands we can think about endless names. But most probably it will be the most popular worldwide brands- Zara, H&M, Mango comes in mind, Yes?
But have you notice the recent trend that more and more stylish people or at least those who prefers to look a little bit better and somehow different chooses local Lithuanian designers' brands. And actually they DO look different and in a good way. So we decided to do a little research and make the TOP Lithuanian style brands list. Some of them works in this sphere for many years- becoming popular designers, while others are just new startups but with a fresh and catchy ideas!

So just in case check our findings, maybe you will find something exceptional for yourself -->

It's all about minimalism and shapes- Naked Bruce 


    Femininity mixed with everydays casualty- WEAR MAD BY                                                                                            JULY


   Youthful and modern- atsikeli ir varai


It's all about cosiness and mum's care- Mama Pasiuvo


                 Bold and exclusive- 2ru2ra


Boho chic and gipsy style- MarmaLedas

That's all we have- short and quick guide to TOP 6 Lithuanian designers brands which seem to have something original to offer.
                                                                                                     Worth to try?

                                                                                                            Till next time!

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